Artista 365 is on YouTube!

by Wendi OBrien
Artista 365 YouTube Intro Thumbnail

The Time Has Finally Arrived

I am excited to announce that I am now officially on YouTube!

Check out my intro and welcome video.  Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any future art videos, product reviews, unboxing, and more.

Upload Schedule

My currently upload schedule will be new videos every Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST.  If I have any bonus videos for the week they will be uploaded on Thursdays.

I am planning on expanding this schedule, but first I need to get into a comfortable schedule and then I will add more.  When this happens, I will probably have themed days (i.e.. Time Lapse on one day, tutorial another, etc.)  I am not sure how many days I will add or when, but I am going to be setting new goals and timelines and see what I can come up with.

Social Media

I am also on several social media platforms and will be posting frequently.
To stay up to date and see stuff that isn’t in the video, be sure to follow me on these platforms.

Blog Posts

Finally, we come to these blog posts.

I currently have schedule to have a blog post to go up with each video.  This will give you a more in depth look at various supplies, techniques, suggestions, story (if there is one), etc. for each artwork.

I will also be doing a weekly blog to sum up the week and possibly give insight to upcoming videos or events.

Thank You

I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their encouragement to get things going and supporting my decision to do this.  It has been a long road and I still have a lot to learn, so please continue to be supportive and help me grow, both, artistically and personally.

You will see many changes occurring over the next few months to make Artista 365 as interactive as possible on YouTube, Social Media and here on the website.

If you have any suggestions on posts, videos, improvements, or anything else you can think of, please comment below and let me know.  I am always looking for suggestions on content ideas.

I look forward to a wonderful 2017 and can’t wait to see where this road takes me.

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