New Website & Plans for 2017

by Wendi OBrien
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Well, the time has finally come and I have switched over to another provider.  This website will be more interactive than my other one with social media and youtube, thus, I am hoping to update more with this streamlined process.

I have big plans for 2017, but then, I also had plans for 2016 that didn’t pan out.  So many of my plans for 2016 will be moved forward to 2017.  One of my plans is to begin a youtube channel so that everyone can see my work as I create it.

One reason this did not happen in 2016 was I did not have the proper setup to make the videos.  I had everything except for 1 clamp.  Yeah, I know, should have just got the clamp, but, at the beginning of the year I ended up getting a job so my time was very limited.  A few months later I was so kindly let go because of over staffing.

We then began remodeling our down stairs and that was taking some time and then I threw my back out…etc, etc, etc.  So long story short things just didn’t happen, but I am going to try to be more diligent this next year.  We are taking Thanksgiving week to finish most of the flooring downstairs and see how things go from there.

I will have more updates as soon as things settle, but for now, enjoy the new website and a couple of new pieces of my work on them.

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