Layout Finally Set!

by Wendi OBrien
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Well, I have finally settled on a theme/layout for the site and what you see is the result.  I have spent countless hours trying to get something that provided me with the functionality that I wanted, but still have a different look from everything else that was out there.

I know it doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but I just couldn’t bring myself to really do much updating until this problem was solved.  While trying to sort this out, my husband started turning pens and has began a business doing that.  I will post more on that at a later date, but it has taken quite a bit of time getting that up and running.

The holidays also hit around the same time and I just couldn’t bring myself to really work on much during that time.  There were so many other things that needed to get done.  Not to mention my son’s wedding that hit on January 2nd of this year.  It was held in Texas (we live in South Carolina) and so we spent 5 days gone between traveling and wedding festivities.  It was a great time, but it is now time to get back to work.
My motivation has been lacking, and there is so much “admin” and “prep” stuff I need to do between all the new supplies that I received for Christmas (I got quite a few before christmas day…you know shopping and all, just couldn’t pass up the deals) and getting everything up and running.  I have been getting totally overwhelmed and just end up not really accomplishing much of anything.  So I am now ready to get to work and get this thing moving in full motion.

I am planning on more frequent updates now that I have the site m
ore of the way I want it and looking forward to creating more art pieces.  Until next time…Artista 365 out!

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